Project Description
Contractor | Besco Corporation
Construction Cost | $1.8 Million
Completion Date | Under Construction
Woods received a $1 million grant from The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation for the renovation and addition to the Stabler NeuroRehab Center. The center utilizes the Clubhouse Model to provide vocational opportunities for individuals with Acquired Brain Injury - one of 17 such facilities in the country. The 14,400 SF facility includes the Clubhouse Wing, which provides members with employment opportunities through a work-ordered day program run by the members, as well as a NeuroRehab Therapy Wing which offers treatment for Speech Therapy, Cognitive Rehab Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, NeuroPsychological services, and a conference area. CCA worked closely with Woods' own Dr. Drew Nagele to develop this unique program.